Monday, June 25, 2012

First Day of Summer

Hey Family!

Hope everyone is well. Thank you for your prayers. I can feel them. I have never understood what people meant when they said that until now. Today all of the new mission presidents will get here! I get to see President Ashton again tomorrow night. I am really excited to see him. There are rumors that all of the apostles will be here at some point in the next six days, but even if they are, I don't know if us missionaries will get to have any interaction with them.

From what I hear, it sounds like you are all fighting over Bekah and that she is traveling the world. That is pretty fun! When is the California trip? Is that in a month? I was thinking it was right now.

We keep watching past talks from the apostles when they spoke at the MTC and they are incredible! They just say it how it is. Philip, I watched the talk last night by Elder Bednar where he talks about the missionaries that came to his house and then asked for referrals and he said no. That was a good one. We watched "The Mountain of the Lord" on Sunday night for our movie night. That was such a good movie. What an inspiration to see those pioneers give all they had to build the Salt Lake Temple. It was humbling to think about the sacrafices they made on our behalf.

I am enjoying the MTC more with each passing day. Forming great friendships and being inspired by the wonderful examples around me. Our new teacher is the best (besides Stevo of course :) and we have been learning so much from him. Our teaching appointments are going better each time as we continue to learn the language, the Gospel, and how to teach line upon line and precept upon precept.

On Tuesday we had a devotional with Elder Robbins of the Seventy. He spoke about receiving revelation and feeling the Holy Ghost. I learned so much and most importantly learned from him that every time I am reading the scriptures and a verse sticks out to me or I underline a scripture, that is the Holy Ghost prompting me. I have realized that as I study with this mindset and as I record what I learn from my scripture study that I learn so much more and that I invite the Lord to share more knowledge with me. On Sunday Sheri Dew was our devotional speaker. She spoke powerfully on having a clear perspective and having an eternal perspective.

It is incredible to be able to be taught so often by such incredible people and by the Holy Ghost. This Gospel truly is the Gospel of Jesus Christ restored to the earth through Joseph Smith!


Elder Case

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