Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Whether the Book of Mormon is True
Dear Family,
Thank you so much for your prayers and your faith. I continue to feel them and see the needed blessings come to the lives of our investigators here. The Maria and Mijail Del Castillo were confirmed and received the gift of the Holy Ghost yesterday in Sacrament Meeting! It was a wonderful experience. We taught them Friday morning and followed up with them about the Word of Wisdom and some other commandments and they were completely ready to go. It was interesting though because Mijail said that throughout the week he had been tempted a lot and that he felt that Satan was trying extra hard to get him to sin. He said that when that happened he prayed and asked for strength and that he could feel of our prayers. I know that he felt of your prayers as well. Thank you.
Mijail didn't want to baptize his daughters despite our explaining to him that in a few years it will be the most special memory but the good news is that his three youngest daughters (Erika, Kathryn, and Karla) will all be baptized this coming Saturday. Please pray for each of them by name that they will be ready and have the desire to be baptized. Mijail and Maria want them to be baptized so badly. It is wonderful to see the Gospel being lived by a family in their home and to see all the blessings that have come as a result of it.
Julie Tovar was baptized on Saturday! She came out of the bathroom in her white jumpsuit and said she felt like a big fat marshmallow. I told her it wasn't that bad but that it was embarrassing to be wearing white after Labor Day. She said I need to be more original and not steal jokes from a 10 year-old. Pretty funny girl. She and her mom slept in yesterday and did not make it to church for the confirmation though, so please pray that they will be there this coming Sunday to be confirmed. We are still trying to work out the divorce for Mirna and Rodolfo so that Mirna can get baptized but haven't made much headway there.
We have been teaching the Tzoc family. An older couple from Guatemala that I think I mentioned last week. We stopped by this week and finally taught them both together for the first time. We asked Cristina to read the paragraph in the pamphlet about Joseph Smith and she was about to start reading and then said, "Is this just going to explain how he was a young boy and didn't know what church to go to and went to all sorts of churches and then read in the Bible and went to ask God and then Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ appeared to him and called him to be a prophet? I have seen the video." We were shocked. She has been prepared by angels. She wants to be baptized but said that the 15th of February was too quick. We are going to help her prepare for that date though still. Quick funny story, we were eating with the Tzoc family last week and in one of the dishes there was chicken feet that had been soaked and boiled in vinegar. Elder Nielsen when I wasn't looking put one of them onto my plate and then made a big deal about how I wanted to eat it. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever put into my body. I had to break the bones and then pull the skin off the tendons. I wanted to throw up. Elder Nielsen and Elder Larson thought it was the funniest thing that has ever happened.
Also, I used to write a lot about la familia Padilla. By a miracle we saw the kids outside their apartment on Saturday and invited them to the baptism because they are good friends with Julie. Eva and Ramon both want to be baptized as soon as they can and Tony wants to learn more first but there dad hasn't let them come to church or participate. They told us that if the Bishop invited their dad to the baptism that he would go. We talked to Obispo, and they all showed up. And what's more, Hermana Perez (WML's wife and my second mother) showed up at church with all the kids (the dad was working). They all loved it and one of the speakers talked about faith and bore his testimony that when we ask in faith that God answers our prayers. He said he had been praying for a long time with much faith that the Padilla's would come back to church and there they were. It was a special moment. On top of all that, we showed up at the investigator devotional last night and they were there walking inside. They felt the Spirit very strongly and afterwards Tony came up to me and said that he has never felt closed to making the decision to be baptized. He said he was almost convinced and that in just a little bit more time he will be ready. Please pray that the heart of el hermano will be softened and open to the blessings of the Restored Gospel.
On Saturday we found a new family that are former investigators. They are ready to be baptized really soon and are really good people. We walked out of the house and asked who they knew that we could teach and they pointed at a lady in their front yard and said, "her". We talked to the lady, Juana Mendez, and found out that she was baptized in 2000. She has been less-active for a number of years but is completely ready to come back. She came to the investigator devotional with us on Sunday night and when we walked in she was sitting with one of her old friends that she knew when she was baptized. What a tender mercy of the Lord.
Also, after the devotional, I was talking to Eduardo and Kimberly Colon and we set a temple date for their sealing! They will be sealed on May 17th! They are really excited and feel prepared. They are about to begin taking the temple prep classes.
We are being richly blessed and are able to see and recognize the hand of the Lord each day. The Spirit guides us so much. We are told where to go, what to do, who to talk to and then what to say and when to say it. This is God's work. It has to be.
A few weeks ago we found a man named Juan Cruz. We have tried getting in to teach him dozens of times because he is on our Ward List but they always tell us that they want to take their names off the records of the church. We talked with him and he explained that they were baptized about 17 years ago. They were extremely active for seven years and sealed in the temple but then Juan found a quote in Doctrine of Salvation that he disagreed with. He studied more got involved in anti material and eventually he and his wife walked into the Bishop's office and turned in their temple recommends. They haven't heard from or spoken about it with anyone for ten years. We finally taught them last night and it was quite the experience. He had lame doubts and strange questions that multiplied every time we answered one of his questions. He eventually told us that in his study he came to a point where their was two paths he could choose from, the Book of Mormon or the Bible. He said he chose the Bible. At that point, Elder Nielsen explained that all his doctrinal disagreements would be resolved if he knew that Joseph Smith was a Prophet. They tried to testify that Joseph Smith was not a Prophet of God. At that point I explained that the only thing we do as missionaries is invite all to come unto Christ and to pray and ask God and then believe the answer they receive. Then the inspiration came. The thought came to my mind to think about the baptismal interview and temple recommend questions, both of which ask if you believe Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God. I then testified to them that I had a sure knowledge that even if they didn't currently believe that Joseph was a Prophet that at least in two instances in their lives they had said and testified that they did. They were confounded. The hermana tried to lie and say that she couldn't ever remember saying that but the hermano was honest and said, "No, he is right. We both said that. We both testified of that." At that point we had to go but they said they would let us back. It was a powerful experience and made me think of two things.
The first is the quote from President Benson in Preach My Gospel:
“We are to use the Book of Mormon in handling objections to the Church. …
“… All objections, whether they be on abortion, plural marriage, seventh-day worship, etc., basically hinge on whether Joseph Smith and his successors were and are prophets of God receiving divine revelation. …
“… The only problem the objector has to resolve for himself is whether the Book of Mormon is true. For if the Book of Mormon is true, then Jesus is the Christ, Joseph Smith was his prophet, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true, and it is being led today by a prophet receiving revelation.
“Our main task is to declare the gospel and do it effectively. We are not obligated to answer every objection. Every man eventually is backed up to the wall of faith, and there he must make his stand” (A Witness and a Warning, 4–5).
And the second is D&C 135:3 which says,
3 Joseph Smith, the aProphet and bSeer of the Lord, has done more, csave Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it. In the short space of twenty years, he has brought forth the Book of Mormon, which he translated by the gift and power of God, and has been the means of publishing it on two continents; has sent the dfulness of the everlasting gospel, which it contained, to the four quarters of the earth; has brought forth the revelations and commandments which compose this book of Doctrine and Covenants, and many other wise documents and instructions for the benefit of the children of men; gathered many thousands of the Latter-day Saints, founded a great city, and left a fame and name that cannot be slain. He lived great, and he died great in the eyes of God and his people; and like most of the Lord’s anointed in ancient times, has sealed his mission and his works with his own eblood; and so has his brother Hyrum. In life they were not divided, and in death they were not fseparated!
As we left that lesson last night, I read D&C 135:3 out loud to my companions and the Holy Ghost witnessed to me so strongly that it is true. That Joseph was a Prophet, that he saw the Father and the Son, that They did in reality speak to him, that They through Joseph restored the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth in these last days and that Joseph Smith held all of the Priesthood Keys that have ever been given to man. I remember when I gained my first real testimony of Joseph Smith in the MTC. I wrote in my journal that I would waste and wear out my life testifying to the world that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and that he saw God. I have done so and I will continue to do so because I know that it is true.
I love you,
Elder Case
Monday, January 13, 2014
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
Dear Family,
It is so good to hear that Gabe is doing better. Sounds like you all are now participants in the miracles and witnesses of God's power on a daily basis too.
Saturday night we went to the adult session of Stake Conference and listened to Elder Russel M. Nelson and Elder Hansen (of the Seventy). It was amazing. President and Sister Ashton spoke as well. The Spirit was so strong and the members of our ward brought our investigators! Everyone loved it. Then Sunday morning we had the general session. That was one of the most spiritual meetings I have ever gone to. About half an hour in we left to go rescue the Del Castillo's who had gotten lost but got back just in time for them to listen to Elder Hansen (he used to be the Texas Houston Mission President a few years ago) and of course, Elder Nelson. Elder Nelson stayed after both meetings long enough for everyone to line up and personally meet him. Watching it happen reminded me of the Savior amongst the Nephites. He was different for every person. For some, he held their hands, others just looked into his eyes, one lady kissed him on the cheek. Just another witness to me that he is an Apostle of Jesus Christ. He spoke of missionary work during the adult session and set some high expectations for the members. During the general session he spoke of the Plan of Salvation and repentance. He said that it was his mandate from God to declare repentance to all people. He quoted the Bible Dictionary about repentance ("The Greek word of which this is the translation denotes a change of mind, a fresh view about God, about oneself, and about the world.") and then said it also implies a change in the way we breathe because each breath is full of gratitude and knowledge that we only can do so because of the breath we are lended. He asked all of the Primary children to stand and sing, "I Am a Child of God". That brought the Spirit. It was in the middle of his talk and pretty cute. At the very end of his talk however, he looked at his translator and said in Spanish, "I don't know how long it has been since these good people have seen an apostle. I want this experience to be memorable for them. So I am going to need your prayers as I now speak to you in a language that is not my own." He then bore a testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel that penetrated the soul. I can feel the Holy Ghost just thinking about the Spirit that was manifested through that great servant of the Lord. I know that God has called Prophets and Apostles again in our day, that they do in reality speak with our Heavenly Father face to face and that they hold every Priesthood Key on the earth. I know that his church is the church of Jesus Christ upon the earth and that through the saving ordinance of the Priesthood, we can return to live with our loving Father in Heaven. This work is true!
We finished teaching the Del Castillo's everything that they needed on Friday morning. Mijail, the dad, expressed to us that he had voices telling him to not be baptized. The miracle is that during studies that morning, as we thought about him and his wife, the Spirit revealed to us that that was happening and then taught us exactly what he needed to read in the Book of Mormon to overcome the temptations of the devil. We read those verses with him and he felt the Spirit and they were baptized. It was a miracle though. As we were filling out their baptismal records with them on Saturday (the baptism was Sunday after Stake Conference), Maria couldn't remember their marriage date. She knew the date they moved in together but not the date they got married. We told them that they needed the certificate in order to get baptized. When we saw them at conference Sunday morning we asked if they had found it yet and they still hadn't. We committed them to do everything possible to find it. We called a few hours later and still no luck. Then as we were leaving the apartment to go fill the font, we knelt down and pleaded with the Lord that they would find the certificate. In the exact moment that we said "amen", the phone was ringing and it was Maria telling us that they had found the certificate. I know that God loves His children and that He hears and answers our prayers. It was almost as if God was just letting us know once again that we are completely incapable of performing this work on our own and that we have to really fully on Him and on His merits and grace.
Another miracle was that as we waited in line with the Del Castillo's to meet Elder Nelson (how cool is it that they met an apostle on the day of their baptism?!) multiple people came up to Mijail that he knew from work but had no idea that they were Mormon. It strengthened him greatly and one of his best friends from a different ward came to his baptism. They were all so happy. In the picture that I sent of their baptism, all the girls but the one in blue are the Del Castillo's daughters. They are going to be baptized on January 25th and we spoke with the Bishop last night and he is going to interview Mijail so that he can baptize his daughters! I loving seeing the Gospel being lived. It makes people so happy. It makes me so happy.
This coming Saturday, Julie (the 10 year-old daughter of Mirna) will be baptized. We spoke with Mirna and asked if she wanted to wait to baptize Julie until Mirna and Rodolfo were married so that Mirna and Julie could be baptized together. She responded and said that Julie would cry if she had to wait any longer to be baptized. That girl is the best. Last night when I walked in to the Relief Society room in all white she looked at me and said, "Don't you know that it is after Labor Day?" (I think that Mary and Lizzy will appreciate that the most).
Another miracle that happened this week is that we tried a former that Elder Nielsen was teaching a year ago when he was in this area and la hermana (Cristina) let us right in. We taught the Restoration and that there was going to be an Apostle here this weekend. She loved it. All her daughters are members, sealed in the temple, and active. At the end of the lesson she brought out three copies of the Book of Mormon, two in Spanish and one in Quiche (spelling), which is a dialect in Guatemala where she is from. She also had her own Teachings of the Prophets book and showed us the plan for baptism that her daughter had made for her. We came back two days later and brought an hermana from Guatemala with us. They were the best of friends and kept on saying that they felt like they had known each other in a prior life. That family brought Cristina to conference Satuday night and she loved it!
The Lord is so kind. He is full of mercy and grace and truth. He wants to bless us more than we can imagine. My whole object is to be an instrument in His hands so that He can work through me to bring about His purposes. I feel the Holy Ghost every day testifying of the truthfulness of this work. There is nothing better than serving the Lord full time and feeling the Holy Ghost constantly throughout each day. It is what brings joy.
I love you. Please pray for Mirna and Rodolfo so that they can get married and please pray that the Del Castillos will continue to progress and have the strength to overcome the adversary this week especially as they wait to be confirmed on Sunday.
Elder Case
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Marriage is Like a Three Ring Circus...
Dear Family,
The Lord is so kind. I received dad's letter today about Gabe and just couldn't believe it. I just sat there and didn't know what to do. I then read it again and just sat there feeling completely helpless. I was sitting at my desk at the office and must have not looked too goo because Elder Johnson looked over and said, "Hey will you come with me real quick?" He walked me to the bathroom and then said, I can wait here while you go and pray or think or something. It was really hard for me to read that and to think about it. I went and sat down and just cried as I was overcome with emotion. I then knelt down and told Heavenly Father how grateful I am for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I poured my soul out to Him and asked to be comforted and to feel peace and to be able to remember and feel all that I have learned about the Atonement. The answer to my prayer was immediate and the Holy Ghost comforted me. I imagine that angels came and ministered to me as well. I am so grateful for the love of the Savior and for His infinite love and eternal sacrifice. Please tell Gabe that I love him and need him to be at my homecoming. Please tell the Gomez family that I love them and will continue to pray for them, that they can have peace and feel of God's love for them.
We aside from that, this week has been incredible. We have been so blessed. On Friday, the entire Ortega family went to the temple and did baptisms for the dead! They loved it. They were baptized on Saturday, confirmed on Sunday, and in the temple the following Friday. It really solidified their desire to be sealed in one year. On Sunday Hermano Ortega said the closing prayer in Sacrament meeting. It was a sweet experience. And not only that, the whole Del Castillo family (8 in total) came to church. They didn't all come at the same time though. I was sitting with Hermano Del Castillo and stood up and bore my testimony and told the ward that I loved and appreciated them and that I was seriously considering just moving my records there since I have been in the ward for 9 months. When I sat down there was an hermana sharing her testimony about how the missionaries came to there home 15 years ago and how ever since they were baptized it has been the best experience and the best decision. I leaned over to Hermano Del Castillo and told him that I was looking forward to the day when he stood up and bore a similar testimony. He asked me if anyone could go up and bear testimony and I said yes. With just a few minutes left in the meeting he leaned over and asked, "Is there enough time for me to go?" I said of course and he stood up and bore his testimony! The best part is that right when he stood up, the Bishop got my attention and notioned towards the back of the chapel I looked back and in walked Hermano Del Castillo's older two children and his daughter-in-law. I stood up and sat by them and they were shocked to see there dad standing up in front talking to the congregation of this church he just barely started going to. It was there first time coming and it was hilarious! In his testimony he asked the missionaries that were teaching him to stand up so that everyone would know who we were. He then testified of the change that has happened in his life since we met him and how he knows that God loves him because he sent his angles (the missionaries) to come and teach him the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He ended his testimony by saying he knew that this was the true church of Jesus Christ on the earth. It was a pretty special experience and I know that his baptism next Sunday with his wife will be one of the most special experiences of my life.
We taught them about apostles and prophets this week and explained that this next Sunday they were going to be able to listen to an apostle of the Lord. If I didn't already tell you all this, Elder Russel M. Nelson is coming to our stake conference this Sunday. Hermana Del Castillo nearly started crying as she related to us her gratitude and that she never even hoped that she would have such an opportunity. She said that she thought that only those who lived anciently had such an opportunity. How blessed we are to have prophets and apostles that live and that teach us. How blessed we are to know they are special witnesses of Jesus Christ to all the world. Elder Nelson will have a Priesthood Meeting on Saturday and then a general session Saturday night and the general session Sunday morning. It has been fun to testify to everyone that I meet that a special witness of Jesus Christ and one of the twelve apostles will be here and that they can listen to someone that is like Peter of old. They get pretty excited about that and lots of people are coming.
So the Del Castillo's friend Mirna is probably the most prepared and faith filled investigator I have ever met. She fasted with us on Saturday night that here husband's heart would be soft and that they would both have the faith to get married on tomorrow! President Ashton joined us in the fast and we received and answer through him on Sunday morning. He suggested that they get married in the Honduranian Consulate here in Houston so that there is no legal problems. Mirna loved the idea and just wants to be baptized so badly. Her 10 year-old daughter is just so sweet. On Saturday after having the fasting/faith/miracles lesson we gave them a ring pop so that Mirna could propose to her husband Rodolfo. Sunday after church we taught them in Hermano Perez's home (our WML) and asked how the proposal went. Julie (the 10 year-old) pointed to her stomach and said that the ring had disappeared. We bought a really nice looking fake ring today and are going to bring it to our lesson tomorrow. Please pray really hard that Rodolfo will have a soft heart and that he will go with us to the Consulate tomorrow to get married. We will probably throw a party this weekend and Mirna will be baptized next Tuesday so that Rodolfo can be there as well.
Every single day, we get home and cannot believe the miracles that have happened. The Spirit comes so strongly to every single lesson. We are finding new people to teach and they all want to be baptized and keep their commitments. We really don't do anything to deserve such grace and mercy but we sure are grateful for the chance we have each day to see the hand of the Lord in our lives.
We don't spend any time in the office anymore and spend literally 100% of our time in our areas now. I have so many stories to share with you all but just don't have the time to do so. Just know that I know that God is a God of miracles. He lives. He loves us perfectly. He knows us and is so aware of us. He gives us commandments so that He can bless us. I know that Jesus Christ lives and that He suffered for each of us individually that we can be healed. I know that He wants to heal us, physically, emotionally, and most of all, spiritually. I know that He has the power to heal us.
Please pray for Mirna and Rodolfo, that they will be married tomorrow. Also, please pray for la familia Del Castillo that they will be baptized on Sunday and continue to feel the Spirit and learn what they need.
I love you,
Elder Case
Friday, January 3, 2014
The Enabling Power and Grace
Dear Family,
Thank you for your prayers. It was good to see and talk with you last week and seemed that you were all enjoying yourselves. Dad, I know that I always say this, but this really was the best week of my mission. It was just full of miracles, blessings, tender mercies and baptisms!
When I talked with you all on Christmas, I was not feeling well. I had a really bad sore throat, a cough, lots of congestion and felt like I was going to throw up the whole day. After we finished Skyping we went back to the apartment and I was going to take a nap because I felt horrible. As I thought about it being Christmas though and how many families would be home and together I couldn't stand the thought of being inside. I said a prayer and asked for health and strength and energy and told Heavenly Father that I wanted to do His will but I just needed to know what it was. We had five appointments after that, found a new family, and felt the Lord using us as instruments in His hands to bless His children. There is nothing I would rather have done on Christmas than represent the Savior and testify of His birth and His sacred mission here on earth. I am so grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and that it affords me the opportunity to not only repent and be made clean but to be strengthened and perfected. It was amazing to me that throughout the night on Christmas, I never really felt good, in fact I felt terrible the whole night, but the Lord strengthened me and allowed me accomplish His will and thus feel peace and joy. What a blessing.
When I say we are being blessed, I truly mean it. The Lord is so kind. This past week was Christmas Conference on Monday, P-Day on Tuesday, Christmas on Wednesday, and Weekly Planning on Thursday and yet we taught more investigator lessons than I have taught in my whole mission in a single week. We teach all the time from the time we leave the apartment from the time we return. It is wonderful.
La familia Ortega was baptized this Saturday and confirmed on Sunday! They were baptized exactly three weeks after the first day we knocked on their door. Their baptism was a fulfillment of a promise made through Priesthood Keys that there was one of our former investigators that would be baptized by the end of the year. We had a Family Home Evening with them last night with la familia Navarro (also from El Salvador) and Hermana Ortega told her whole conversion story and how she had tried to escape the missionaries the first night we stopped by and knocked and how since that day we have seen each other everyday except Christmas Eve. They are already planning on being sealed in one year from now and read the Book of Mormon every day. They had a very sweet experience during their confirmations and felt the Holy Ghost so strongly. Hermana Ortega said to tell you all hi and that she is my adopted mother. Mom, she told me to tell you that she will get me healthy and well in no time. She brought me lemon and honey tea to church on Sunday. All the Hispanic ladies in my area have been worried about my health and constantly make me lemon and honey tea and other sorts of concoctions. It is pretty funny.
So on Saturday, we had the baptismal service of the Ortegas and I baptized Natalia and Hermana Ortega (she asked me to because I weighed the most and she was worried about drowning) and then on Sunday, a member pulled me out of Priesthood and asked me to baptize her 8 year old son (named Ricardo) that night. That was a special privilege. The dad in that family is very inactive and he didn't even come to the baptism. So Saturday was four baptisms, then Sunday was four confirmations, then another baptism and then I also confirmed Ricardo. Right before Ricardo's baptism we had been with la familia Del Castillo giving them blessings because they were sick. It was all exhausting but amazing to be able to finally stop and think Sunday night about the miracle it is to have the Priesthood in our lives. To serve in the Priesthood in any capacity is the greatest thrill and most rewarding experience I have had in my life. I remember when President Lewis set me apart he said that if I would minister to the people I would have success. I have seen the fulfillment of that prophecy and promise in my life. I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to represent the Savior. I know that I do not even come close but I do try my best to do what He would do and as I do so I feel His love, I know He is pleased, and I am blessed with His enabling grace. In Moroni 10:32 it says:
32 Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdenyyourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may beeperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
I cannot deny the power of God. This is His very work. I am a witness of His power. He sends His angels to prepare the hearts of His children to receive this message. This week we taught la familia Del Castillo the Word of Wisdom and they thought it was the best thing in the whole world. I am fully convinced that angels (undoubtedly their ancestors that are waiting for their work to be done) first taught them all they needed to know because they were thrilled with the commandment and gave us all the coffee they had to throw away. They came to church again and every time we talk with them they say they are just so grateful that God sent us to them to teach them about His true church. They also keep telling us how grateful they are to be baptized on January 12th. They would be baptized on the 11th except that Elder Russel M. Nelson will be here at our Stake Conference that weekend so we moved their baptism to Sunday. They are a very special family. Please pray that they will continue to learn, understand, and progress to their baptism and their daughters will want to be baptized as well. We hope that Hermano Del Castillo will baptize them a week or two after his baptism.
Also, please pray for Mirna. She is doing really well. She is now living the Word of Wisdom and we also taught the Law of Chastity. She has been with her "husband" for 18 years and they have a daughter together but haven't ever been married. After we taught her she talked to her husband about getting married and he asked why she wanted to get married after so many years of just living together. She explained that she had to get married to be baptized and that she really wanted to be baptized. We are meeting with them both tonight to talk about it. Please pray that his (Rodolfo's) heart will be soft and open and that they will get married before January 12th. She and her daughter Julie are best friends with the Del Castillo's and they all want to be baptized the same day.
Anyways, I love this work! It is so fulfilling. It brings true peace and happiness. I love the Book of Mormon. Like mom has always said, it has the answers to all our questions. This whole week we have showed up to people's homes and opened the Book of Mormon and began to read and then the Spirit teaches what they need to know and all we do is extend a commitment of what they tell us they need to do or change in their life. It is incredible. I love you all and I love this Gospel!
Elder Case
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