Friday, December 20, 2013


Elder Dennis making pupusas at la casa de la famila Ortega

I have a blue comb!

Welcome to Houston sign at the airport
#1 Elder Johnson being cold since it has been freezing around here! (somewhere in the 50s sometimes!) #2 Elder Dennis making pupusas at la casa de la familia Ortega #3 "I have a blue comb!" #4 "Welcome to Houston" sign right next to the airport #5 The "old" companionship. AKA just two of Elder Ayala's trainers. He had four. We tell him it is because he is so rebellious. He just became a zone leader this transfer and is zone leader companions with Elder Leavitt, his trainer. I love Elder Ayala so much. He is an incredible missionary.

A God of Miracles

Dear Family, How blessed we have been this past week. It has been incredible. Elder Dennis and Elder Larson and I are just loving life. We have been working really hard and being blessed with incredible results. This past week was just so wonderful. On Sunday, la familia Ortega came to church. They showed up 30 minutes early again and brought the whole crew. They took up an entire bench at church. The Primary sang some Christmas songs and they felt the Spirit so strongly. Also, la familia Del Castillo came for the first time! Last week they tried to come but couldn't find the chapel even though they drove around looking for it for an hour. This time the whole family came. The parents came to Gospel Principles and felt the Holy Ghost so strongly as we learned about temple covenants and their three daughters just wanted to stay in Young Womens. It was such a good Sunday to see all of them at church. The best part is that Hermana Del Castillo is really good friends with one of our other investigators named Mirna. Hermana Del Castillo, without us knowing, told Mirna that she had come to church with us and that she loved it so much. She invited Mirna to come this following Sunday with their family. When we went to the lesson with Mirna today, she told us that she was coming to church. It was such a miracle because we hadn't even invited her to come yet! The Lord is so kind. La familia Ortega is doing so well. They are faithful English class students and are always the first there. They write up on the board "On Time-Familia Ortega" and "Late-Los Misioneros". Our English class is definitely a highlight each week. We have 3-5 investigators there every class in addition to the members that come and the friends they bring. It has been a huge success and it just a blast to teach. The Ortega Family is on schedule to be baptized next Sunday on the 28th. Please continue to pray for them. They are so excited. We teach them every day and they just love it. The change in their home and their lives is just so drastic. In the course of about three weeks, they have become new people. There is a special spirit about them always and they becoming converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Hna Ortega (the wife of the man that was less-active for many years) committed to be baptized along with her three granddaughters (Jennifer, Sandy, and Nathalia). They have all been practicing praying and have begun praying together as a family. They had a really special experience doing it for the first time and committed themselves to continue every day with family prayer. This Sunday, Sandy and Nathalia will participate in the Young Women in Excellence dinner/event and they are so excited. We are planning on sending the sister missionaries to represent us. I just don't understand how God does it all. Our investigators are just so prepared and keep all their commitments and want to come to church and want to be baptized and we don't even do anything. We just meet people that want to learn about the Gospel and the Holy Ghost touches them and they Heavenly Father just works everything out and softens their hearts. As we taught Hermana Martinez last week (the less-active that just came to church for the first time in years and years) we found out that she has been reading in the Book of Mormon every day for the past month and has made considerable progress in her reading. I still remember how hard we had to push them just to bring their scriptures to the first few lessons. As I think about la familia Martinez, I can't help but think of 3 Nephi 18:32 32 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your asynagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall bheal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them. I know that the Savior heals. I feel that healing often. I am so grateful for the incredible opportunity that I have to be "the means of bringing salvation unto them". What a magnificent calling this is! I have begun to understand a little more fully what the joy of the Gospel feels like. Last night we ate at the Colons and they are doing so well. They are working towards being sealed as a family this coming May. I love them so much. I will always be grateful for the chance the Lord gave me to know them and participate in their conversion process. If I had labored with all my might for two years just to have helped them receive the covenants and ordinances of the Gospel, it would have been more than worth it. They are moving to Kentucky in June just have committed me to take them all to Havasupai at some point. We made it through another transfer. The transfer in six weeks will only be one new missionary coming in. It is crazy to think that we can go from a transfer of 43 new missionaries to a transfer of one new missionary. One scripture that has been on my mind all week long and that we shared with the Colons last night is probably my favorite story in the Book of Mormon. As I have studied it repeatedly this week, the Spirit has taught me much more than I previously understood. In Mosiah 24, we read about Alma and his people. They have been persecuted ever since Alma fled from wicked King Noah's court and have finally found a new land where they were free, only to once again be put into bondage. Amulon, the appointed Lamanite leader in that part of the land, made it so that the people of Alma couldn't pray out loud for fear of being put to death, nevertheless they cried to the Lord in their hearts. We then read the following: 12 And Alma and his people did not raise their voices to the Lord their God, but did pour out their ahearts to him; and he did know the bthoughts of their hearts. 13 And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage. 14 And I will also ease the aburdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand asbwitnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their cafflictions. 15 And now it came to pass that the burdens which were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord didastrengthen them that they could bear up their bburdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with cpatience to all the will of the Lord. What I have learned about this story and these words of the Lord has been so comforting to me this week. First, the Lord hears and answers our prayers and is ever aware of us even when we feel He is not. Second, He knows of and remembers the covenants (in this case baptismal covenant) His people have made with Him. What I love the most is that the Lord says he is aware of the covenant they have made. This covenant is found in Mosiah 18:8-9: 8 And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye areadesirous to come into the bfold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; 9 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand ascwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life— So this people covenanted with the Lord to bear one another's burdens and the Lord says, "I remember the covenant you have made and so I will bear your burdens and make them light." And why does He do this? So that we may "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all thing, and in all places that [we] may be in, even until death". Thus He shows us how to keep our covenants and helps us to keep them. And not only does He help us when we need it but He helps us more than we need. Just like the extra baskets full after feeding the multitude, His grace in this instance is more than enough. He doesn't only strengthen us to be able to bear the burden, rather He strengthens us to such an extent that we can perform the task with ease. What a comfort that is and what a blessing! And all He ask in return is that we be witnesses for Him hereafter. I feel the Lord helping me keep my covenants every single day. He lightens my burden and strengthens me and has asked that I do the same for the rest of His children. I have found that doing so brings true joy, lasting joy. I know that this is the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have had far too many witnesses to ever deny it and even more, I feel it burning within me. I love my Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son with all my heart. They live. I know it. This is Their church and They guide it through a living prophet. It is all true. I love you, Elder Case

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

More Pictures

This is Adolfo Vega. He is my favorite youth in the ward. I love his family. We got signed up to set up Christmas lights in one of the church buildings. They will be used for many different ward parties and our mission Christmas conference. I knew exactly how to do it because of all the wedding receptions I have helped out with. These elders are my

best friends.

The Will of the Father

Dear Family,

I hope you feel of my love and prayers and know that I feel of yours. This is the best experience that could ever be given to a young man. Each day is the best day even when some of them are days that, as Elder Golden would say, "are good for the soul". I love my mission. I love this Gospel and I know that it is true. The Spirit continues to confirm to me each day that Christ lives and that He guides this church. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that he saw God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. What a marvelous blessing that is to know!

Yesterday a member was out with us and he kept on asking if we had another appointment for him to go to. We said we had our dinner appointment and he said he wanted to come. We were teaching an active member and so we shared the first vision and then talked with them about the blessings of the Restoration. We had each of them think about what blessings they have received because Joseph saw God. We then invited them to, every time they recognize one of those blessings, share with someone else the source of such blessings. It seems to me like it would be a very effective activity because you would be showing your gratitude to God through your actions and it would allow you to be a missionary too, which is just about the best thing that could happen to anyone.

The Padillas did not get baptized despite being so prepared. They still want to be baptized and they know that this church is true, they just want to feel more ready and know more. They came to watch the Christmas devotional last night with us at the Vega's home though and felt the Spirit really strongly. We are going to go teach them about covenants tonight with Hermano Perez so please pray that they understand and that the Spirit teaches them what they need to know.

The experience with the Padillas was really hard on me since it is very similar to what happened to Johnny a few months ago when he was completely ready to go, passed his interview, and then wasn't allowed to get baptized by his parents. As I reflected on these experiences and talked with Elder Johnson, I learned a little bit about the will of the Father. In my studies earlier this week I came across a really powerful thought that I remember dad teaching in one of his talks from his "You Can Quote Me on That" book. In Matthew 27:50 it says, "Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost."

The JST changes this to say, "a loud voice, saying, Father, it is finished, thy will is done,yielded up the ghost."

So the very last words that the Savior uttered in mortality were, "Thy will is done". Not only did He spend His whole mortal existence doing the will of the Father, but we learn in Moses 4:2 that His whole desire even in the preexistence was to do the will of the Father:

Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.

And so it is. The Savior's first words we have recorded in scripture are, "Father, thy will be done" and from His last mortal breath we hear the triumphant victory, "Father...thy will is done". This thought really helped me to understand the depth of Abinadi's words in Mosiah 15 when he said,

 7 Yea, even so he shall be led, crucified, and slain, the flesh becoming subject even unto death, the will of the Son being swallowed up in the will of the Father.

Even the Savior of the world had to submit. He had to forsake and abandon all that He desired in order to do the will of the Father. So we too have to submit, forsake and abandon. I have been trying to do that this week. It is not a fun process but it brings true joy and blessings. We have had to accept that the Lord has a plan that is often times different than our own but that His is always better.

I know that the Savior fulfilled the will of Father in all things. I am so grateful for that. I too want to fulfill the will of the Father and will strive and sacrifice for the rest of my life to do so, so that one day I too can say, along with my Savior, "I have suffered the will of the Father in all things from the beginning" (3 Nephi 11:11).

What a wonderful cause to be engaged in. Doing the will of the Father is the only thing that brings lasting joy and happiness because it involves helping Him to save His children. I felt of that joy as I sat with la familia Martinez in sacrament meeting on Sunday. They used to be extremely active (she has been a RS, Primary, and YW President and he has been an EQ, YM President and a stake missionary) but chose to be offended and haven't stepped foot in a church building for 20 years. We taught them about the Sacrament last Tuesday and it was wonderful. The lesson went really well and the Spirit was strong but they still wouldn't commit to come until at the very end we read two verses with them. As we studied for them and role played during the morning, these two verses just connected in a way they never have before. 

3 Nephi 18:10 (referring to the Sacrament)
 10 And when the disciples had done this, Jesus said unto them: Blessed are ye for this thing which ye have done, for this is fulfilling my commandments, and this doth witness unto the Father that ye are willing to do that which I have commanded you.

Moroni 8:25
 25 And the first fruits of repentance is baptism; and baptism cometh by faith unto the fulfilling the commandments; and the fulfilling the commandments bringeth remission of sins;

As we read those two verses with them, the Spirit taught them what they needed to do. They then understood that it wasn't just about going or not going to church because of the people there but rather we have to go in order to receive a remission of our sins. We had already discussed with them they were sinners and after reading the second verse they looked at us and asked what time church started. They were there 30 minutes early after pulling a prank on us. We called just to make sure they were still good to go and they told us that they had decided to stay at home because it was cold and there was a good show on TV. We were so sad and called them back to say we were coming over to bring them jackets. They then told us that they were already sitting int he chapel waiting for us. I nearly cried. I went and sat with them on the back row (as agreed) and just loved it. Even though they didn't partake of the Sacrament, my experience sitting there remembering the sacrifice of my Savior was a sacred one and one to be remembered.

Also, in Mission Leadership Council on Thursday, President told the group that each of us had someone in our list of former investigators that would get baptized this year. We have spent a lot of time contacting formers and on Saturday night had a great success! We talked to one man that we were teaching six months ago and set a return appointment and then he referred us to his neighbor. They were a referral from our former bishop but had never let us in to teach them. This time we knocked on the door and Rene Ortega answered and let us in! I have knocked on that door dozens of times and they would always say no. It was a miracle! We had a really powerful lesson and they all came to church on Sunday. They too were 30 minutes early. It was funny because for 30 minutes before Sacrament Meeting, it was these two families that haven't been to church in years and our companionship just hanging out in the chapel. In Priesthood, Rene stood up to introduce himself and he said he was baptized in the church 30 years ago but stopped going because he felt bad going without his wife but now that she had come with him he was going to be there every week! We were shocked because we were convinced that he wasn't a member. His two granddaughters that came live with him came too and they loved it. They both told us that Young Women's was their favorite and asked if they would be allowed to come back the next week. The mom, who used to open the door, point at the Virgin Mary on the door and say, "I'm Catholic", said she loved Relief Society and that she wanted to come back every week! It was a miracle! We have tried so hard to teach that family without success. But since President Ashton holds keys and we were acting according to the revelation he received through those keys, the Lord opened the way for us to have success. I love this Gospel!

It is all true. I love you all and am glad to hear you are doing well. Sorry to hear about Maddy.


Elder Case

Monday, December 2, 2013

Miracles of the Atonement

Dear Family, This week has been incredible. We saw so many miracles and felt the Spirit in a variety of ways. On Monday night we showed up to teach Omar (he is the roommate of Hermano Duran, a man that has recently come back to church and is now an active and fully participating and serving in the ward). We taught the Restoration and after we shared the first vision we were just silent for about 30 seconds feeling the Spirit. We then looked Omar in the eyes and asked him to describe how he felt. Before we asked the Spirit was strong but not extremely noticeable but as we trusted that the Holy Ghost would bear witness of our words, He came. Omar was really quiet then said, "I feel really peaceful. I feel good." We asked if he had ever felt that way in his whole life and he said that he hadn't. At this point his roommate walked in and we asked him to bear his testimony of the truthfulness of the Gospel. It was so powerful. Omar said he would be baptized but didn't yet accept a baptismal date. After this lesson, we asked Hermano Duran if he could come with us to our next appointment with the Padillas (they live in the same complex) and he said no because he wanted to shower and get warm. We walked outside and were saying a prayer and then he called us and said that something kept on telling him that he needed to go to the lesson with us. He then bore a testimony of Christ and the Atonement that penetrated the heart of all who heard it. We were teaching about the Virgin Mary and why we worship Christ and not her. His testimony played a key part in their understanding of the Savior. I am so grateful that the Holy Ghost touched him and that he listened. The Lord truly is involved in this work and does work alongside us. Like it says in Jacob 5: 72 And it came to pass that the servants did go and labor with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard labored also with them; and they did obey the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard in all things. Other fun happenings this week include exchanges with Elder Preece, Elder Gray, and Elder Williams. All are missionaries that I look up to and love. They are all good teachers and it was incredible. Especially my time with Elder Gray. That Elder is still his incredible self. I love spending time with him, studying with him, and remembering our sacred time together in the MTC. For Thanksgiving we went to the Martinez family. They are a family that has been inactive for 20 years and has no intentions of coming back any time soon. Nevertheless, we stop by and visit them about once a week and help them to feel the Spirit and remember the feelings they had as they were converted and joined the church. They have a special place in my heart and it was an honor to spend Thanksgiving with them and their family. After that we went to the Vega's home. They are some of my favorite people in the whole world and the Padilla family came over there too. It was a really good experience and everyone left feeling edified. Tonight at 8:00 PM, Elder Larson and I will be getting a third companion. His name is Elder Dennis. He has currently been serving in El Salvador but was reassigned to our mission. His parents are mission president and wife in Guatamela I think. We are pretty excited to have him join us! Another thing I think I forgot to mention is that two weeks ago I went on an exchange with Elder Quigley. He is one of the Chinese missionaries and we went to his area. I didn't understand anything the whole day but I did learn two words, taught an English class, and ate octopus. The octopus was cold and hard and I kept trying to swallow it whole but one of the legs (tentacles?) kept popping out of my times. On Friday with Elder Gray we stopped by and taught a former investigator named Arnold. He felt the Spirit but said that he wasn't ready to be baptized yet because he needed to repent first. The next day with Elder Williams we stopped by and taught about repentance. That was a powerful lesson. He understood how to repent, why we repent, and what we repent of. He committed to be baptized on January 18th and said he was going to read the Book of Mormon everyday so that he could feel the same way he felt when we stopped by to teach him. That is the common theme with all our investigators. We have been focusing on pointing out the Holy Ghost throughout the lesson and having them describe to us how they feel. This is really helpful as they then try and recognize their answers about the Book of Mormon, the truthfulness of the Gospel and Joseph Smith. On Saturday Elder Williams and I taught Saul and Sofia. Sofia came to our English class on Tuesday! It was her first time in the chapel. The last time we taught them in their home they both told us that they had either had never felt clean or that they no longer felt clean. So on Saturday, Elder Williams said, "the scriptures say that no unclean thing can dwell with God, do you believe that?" They said yes. It was silent for a minute and then the Spirit whispered to me the words. I looked them in the eyes and said, "Saul and Sofia, I am about to ask you a really hard question. You both just said that you believe that no unclean thing can dwell with God and last time we talked about how neither of you feel clean. If you were to die tomorrow what would happen to you?" They both sat there, looking at their hands, thinking and wondering and soul searching. Their response was, "We would be condemned, eternally punished, and forever sorry that we did not repent". We then invited them to repent and be baptized. Saul still struggled but Sofia finally got it. It was a very powerful lesson. We then testified of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and what that can do in their lives if they will allow it to take effect. We have visited the Padillas every day this week. It is so fun to watch their progress and feel the Spirit in their home. They are all so happy and loving. We have been trying to help them be ready to be baptized on the 7th and Eva and Ramon feel that they are ready. Obispo Naranjo after interviewing them the other day suggested that we have them meet with President Ashton. Yesterday during church President interviewed Hermano Padilla for about an hour and a half and then walked out and told us that he was ready to be baptized and had passed his baptismal interview! Hermano Padilla promised to pray yesterday about being baptized this Saturday or this Sunday. When we stopped by last night he told us he would have his answer by Tuesday. Please pray that their financial situation will work out and that they will receive and recognize the answer and then follow the answer that they should be baptized this weekend. I love their family so much. We were at a baptismal service of an hermano in the ward on Saturday and afterwards were standing next to Ramon (the 11 year-old). There was some sister missionaries down the hallway and he looked at them and then looked at me with a funny expression. He asked, "Como se llaman las hermanas? Las Eldas? (What are the sisters called? The Eldas?)" It was so funny. They are ready to be baptized and it is such a miracle. The Atonement has wrought an incredible change in their lives and their faith is just so strong. As we were there last night, el Hermano had just finished explaining to us his financial situation and then Eva said, "Well, the elders taught us about tithing this week and told us a story about a widow giving all that she had. I think we need to pay our tithing even though it will be all that we have and then just trust God to bless us. He has to bless us if we obey." How special that was to hear. In my personal study this morning I was thinking about them as I read Alma 38:5 5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your atrust in God even so much ye shall be bdelivered out of your trials, and your ctroubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day. That is my testimony to each of you and to all that I meet. As we trust God and trust in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we will be made whole, we will be delivered, and we will be clean. I know that the Savior lives and loves us. He is so real and so close. As I partook of the Sacrament yesterday I thought of the words of "This is the Christ". 2. I read His words, the words He prayed While bearing sorrow in Gethsemane. I feel His love, the price He paid. How many drops of blood were spilled for me? With Saints of old in joyful cry I too can testify: This is the Christ. This is the Christ, the holy Son of God, Our Savior, Lord, Redeemer of mankind. This is the Christ, the Healer of our souls, Who ransomed us with love divine. As I thought of "how many drops of blood were spilled for me", I was overcome with gratitude for the Savior. I felt the Holy Ghost come and felt the renewing of my baptismal covenants. I felt clean. I just want others to feel that too. That is why we share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love you and am grateful for your prayers. Love, Elder Case

Monday, November 25, 2013

The Peaceable Followers of Christ

Dear Family, Thank you for your continued prayers, emails, and letters. I really do feel the power of your prayers and often if I am going through a hard time I just think of the many prayers that are offered each day in my behalf. That seems to empower me and give me the extra endowment of faith that I need. So thank you for your prayers. Last week in my email I talked about becoming like a little child and shared the experience of teaching Christian (Saul and Sofia's six year-old son). This week we were over there and as we were leaving Sofia told us that that morning Christian told her about the dream he had had the night before. He dreamed that he and his father went to church with Elder Larson and I and what's more, in the dream Christian and Saul were wearing white shirts and ties! What a sweet little boy. I don't think he has ever been to a church in his whole life but we are hoping to be able to help his parents be able to finally come. We stopped by to teach the Padilla's on Monday night. They are doing really well although they didn't come to church because they were out of town. We taught them the Word of Wisdom. All the kids said it would be no problem giving up coffee. The dad said he could give up drinking alcohol (he said he hardly ever drinks) but that coffee would be just about impossible for him. We talked with him and he committed to fully live the Word of Wisdom until our next lesson on Wednesday and we promised to bring all sorts of hot chocolate. He said he doesn't like normal hot chocolate because it is too sweet. On Wednesday, we kept our end of the deal and he kept his. He proudly announced that he hadn't had any coffee. We then heated up water/milk and made three different kinds of hot chocolate. We also threw in some hot apple cider (I fell in love with that stuff at BYU) and it was a blast! He kept trying the different kinds but when he tried the apple cider he said, "Wow! I am never drinking coffee again!" We were so happy. Once we all settled down we read Mosiah 2:31-41. Eva made the comment at one point that the verses are very intense. She was right but after we read verse 41 the Spirit came really strongly. We bore our testimony of being obedient to the commandments of God and promised them the blessings they need in their lives. As we did so, the began to cry. The Spirit was just so strong. They bore their testimonies of the Restored Gospel and how they knew this was the true church. They all then accepted a baptismal date for the 7th of December. The dad and young man still want us to help them overcome the doubts about not praying to the Virgin Mary, but said they still wanted to be baptized that day. What a great blessing! Elder Larson and I left the lesson full of the Spirit and overflowing with gratitude for the opportunity we have to serve the Lord and His children. On Wednesday and Thursday, Elder Johnson and I spent some time with President Ashton setting our mission goals and focus for 2014. That was a really fun and good experience. I always enjoy learning from President Ashton and to see how he thinks. Being around him so much has been a great blessing for me. On Wednesday we began with a study on charity. We spent an hour on Moroni 7:1-11. I didn't know that there was an hour's worth of study material there but it is. We spent a lot of time talking about what it means to be a peaceable follower of Christ. We learned that it means we are kind and patient and full of love. It was a really good study that just made me want to be kinder to people but I still didn't understand it too deeply. Then in correlation on Sunday, Hermano Perez (our Ward Mission Leader) shared Moroni 7:1-4 as his spiritual thought. He focused on what it means to be a peaceable follower of Christ and how part of it is that we are kind to people even when they reject us. Then today in my studies I was reading in Matthew 20 and read about how Christ teaches His apostles about the greatest being the least and the servant. What struck me so powerfully though is what happens immediately after in Matthew 20:29-34. 29 And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30 ¶And, behold, two ablind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David. 31 And the multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace: but they cried the more, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David. 32 And Jesus stood still, and called them, and said, What will ye that I shall do unto you? 33 They say unto him, Lord, that our eyes may be opened. 34 So Jesus had acompassion on them, and touched their eyes: and immediately their eyes received bsight, and they followed him. So after teaching the apostles about being humble and being a servant, Christ then shows them this principle. As I studies this morning I began thinking about the multitude from verse 29. These people were followers of Christ. They were sacrificing to follow him. I am sure it was hot, they walked a lot on dusty roads, they didn't eat very much, and they were giving up all aspects of a normal life to follow him. Needless to say, they were fairly converted followers. I also thought about the fact that within this multitude I am sure many had already been healed by Christ. He had lifted their hands when they had hung helplessly down and given them strength to walk for maybe the first time in their lives. And so for whatever reason they followed Him. And yet following Christ is not enough. When this multitude saw the two blind men crying out for the help and healing that they knew only the Savior could offer, the crown turns them down, rebukes them, and tells them to hold their peace. They were followers of Christ but not peaceable followers. They too were blinded but in a much more dangerous way. They were spiritually blind and refused to look past the rags and lack of wealth and status. This multitude was refusing the very same blessings of help and healing that many of them had probably sought at one point. But then there is the Savior, the Redeemer of the world, the Prince of Peace. He stands still and lovingly asks how he can minister. He asks what can He do to lift the burden of these two blind men who are so weighed down yet filled with faith. He sees them with spiritual eyes and recognizes their potential. He knows that they have great faith because they continue to call out to him after being rebuked by the multitude. He knows that they have sufficient faith to be healed and that after receiving their sight they will follow Him and be true disciples and walk peaceably before Him and their fellow men. And so he has compassion on them. I am so grateful for the Savior. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. I know that His is the only name given under heaven whereby we can be saved. He is my friend, my example, and my guide. I love Him and I want to be like Him. I want to walk peaceably before Him blessing and ministering to all those that may be in my path. On Saturday the Bishop called and Elder Johnson and I ended up speaking in Sacrament Meeting yesterday. He taught the Restoration and I followed him and taught about the Atonement. What a special gift it was to stand and testify of Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost bore witness to my soul yet again of the Savior. I know He lives. He loves us. He guides this work through His living prophets. As we repent we can access His mercy and grace and we are forgiven and made clean. I have felt of the power of the Atonement in my life so many times and now have the wonderful privilege to help others feel of the same power and blessings. Could there be anything better than that in the whole world? I love you. Elder Case P.S. Happy Thanksgiving! P.P.S. The picture is Ramon Padilla. He is ten. I walked out of the front room to find him for the lesson and he was hanging upside down on the pull-up bar with a nerf gun aimed at me. I love that family!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Grace is Sufficient

Dear Family,

Attached is a photo of Elder Larson and I that I just took so that you would have an idea of what he looks like. Sorry I am such a bad photo taker. I am always trying to repent of that but the change of heart has just not occurred yet.

It has been another good week. I learned so much from zone conferences. Each day seemed to teach me new things as the Spirit kept on working with me trying to help me apply the doctrine and principles to myself. It was a wonderful experience.

We continue to work with Saul and Sofia and have made a little bit of progress with them. Sofia has been reading the assignments that we leave her and asking questions. She also committed to come to church at some point, just not yet. Elder Johnson and I were doing a role play for her the other day trying to receive revelation about what is holding her back from progressing even more. I had the slight feeling during the role play that we needed to include her sons. Her sons are named Christian (6) and Bryan (2). Elder Larson an d I decided to try and teach the boys and it was a great success. Normally what happens when we get there is both the boys go back and play. If they come out, there parents send them back to their rooms. On Friday we stopped by to drop of a CD for Sofia since we were close and she wants to learn English. It has some hymns on it and so we figured that it couldn't hurt. They invited us in and we decided to teach Christian. We called him over and began to talk to him about prayer. We asked if he knew what prayer was and he explained that he kind of did. We had a wonderful little lesson with him and he prayed twice on his own for the first time in his life. He loved it and said that it made him feel so good. We then committed him to pray every night and help his parents pray with him. He said he would. We came back the next night and asked everyone if they had prayed. Christian immediately answered, "I did!" He was so proud of himself. His parents had not prayed but he promised to help them. We then taught a very simple Plan of Salvation lesson while drawing with crayons on the lids of pizza boxes. Sofia payed better attention and learned more than she has from any other lesson.

As we have taught Christian it has helped me to understand better why Christ was continuously commanding us to become like little children:

19 For the anatural bman is an cenemy to God, and has been from the dfall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he eyields to the enticings of the fHoly Spirit, and gputteth off the hnatural man and becometh a isaint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a jchildksubmissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. 

How true that is. Little children are so humble and open minded. Their hearts are soft. I just want to become like a little child. Like MJ, Katie, Andrew and Allison and Parker and Miles and John and Kimball. What great examples little children are to us. There is a talk by President Packer entitled "And a Little Child Should Lead Them" that I just love.

We had a miracle at church yesterday. We had been trying to get in contact with la familia Padilla the whole weekend without much success. We spoke with one of the members that is really close with them and asked her to call as well. She didn't have any success either. We were planning on stopping by before church but weren't able to so we just sat in Sacrament Meeting saving them a seat. I was frustrated that they weren't there and that there was nothing I could do about it. Then we took the Sacrament and I had the opportunity to reflect on the Savior and His atoning sacrifice. After the Sacrament, I was thinking about what I had learned from President Ashton during zone conference about doing all we can and then relying on the Lord and His grace to make up the difference. We can never do enough but if we do our best then he promises to make our five loaves and two fishes sufficient to feed the thousands or to touch mere stones and turn them into brilliant globes of light. As I thought about this, I decided we had done our best to help them get to church and while it still wasn't sufficient, I decided to stop worrying about it and put it in the Lord's hands. Within seconds of deciding this, la familia Padilla walked in and sat down right next to us up front. It was a miracle! I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. And what's more, just as President Ashton taught in zone conference about the five fishes and 2 loaves not only being sufficient but being more than enough (After feeding the multitude there were twelve full baskets left over. See Matthew 14:20.) they not only came but stayed all three hours and loved it! In Priesthood, Hermano Padilla introduced himself and said that he would be coming from now on. I love this work!

Anyways, all is well here in Houston. It is Elder Larson's birthday this week. I am trying to figure out a way to throw him a party in the apartment. We will see how it works out.

Thank you for your love and prayers. I sure need them and appreciate them.

Love you all!

Elder Case

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Lord's Elect

Dear Family,

Sorry I never wrote you last week. With transfers we were pretty busy and I am no longer in a trio so it was hard to find an opportunity to get away from the area since I was the only one that knew what was going on! Elders Ayala and Jarvis were both transferred. I will miss them both. Especially Elder Ayala. He and I spent four transfers together and he is quite an incredible missionary.

My new companion is Elder Larson. He is from Mesa. Went to Mountain View. He is the youngest of 5. We are great friends. This is his third transfer but he is already speaking Spanish extremely well. It is fun having him and we get along great. We were both really excited about the transfer.

We went to the Natural History Museum a few weeks ago and I finally was able to get some pictures to send to you. And of course another sunrise picture.

These past two weeks have been full of ups and downs. Johnny Perez (the most prepared investigator I have ever taught) was supposed to be baptized on Saturday but his parents didn't let him. We had talked with his mom the previous Sunday about his baptism and she told us that she thought it was too fast and that he needed to wait a little longer but that it was his decision and she would support him. With transfers I couldn't be there Monday or Tuesday to follow up with her and by the time we finally taught him Thursday, he still had not talked with his parents more in depth. Friday night we spoke with his mom and she said it was too soon and that it would have to be a different week. Johnny then texted us later Friday night and said "you were right, Satan really doesn't want me to get baptized". It was so sad. As we spoke with his mom, he was almost in tears. He wants to be baptized so badly. He reads the Book of Mormon every single day, has a testimony of the Restoration of the Gospel, and is so prepared to be baptized! We fasted with Johnny on Saturday that Heavenly Father's will would happen and that helped him to feel better. His mom did bring him to church again on Sunday and he had another wonderful experience. The ward has really accepted and loved him and now it is just a matter of time until he will be baptized. We began teaching his mom and have another appointment with her tomorrow night. Please pray that her heart will be softened.

We have another investigator named Yomara that is about to move to California in a few weeks. She came to church last Sunday had the best experience. We asked what she liked about it and she talked about how wonderful the members were and how they made her feel so welcome. She said that she felt at home with family and that everyone greeted her and talked to her and made her feel loved. When we asked how her three year old son had liked it she said, "bastante, bastante!". I was so proud of our ward. In the time that I have been here, they have completely changed. We have a new bishop that meets with our investigators regularly and is a wonderful missionary on top of that. He is always inviting his friends to meet with the missionaries in his home. I am truly amazed at what he does and don't understand how he has the time. But we are being extremely blessed to have such a wonderful ward. I just wish that every ward could feel like ours. People that visit our church really should be able to feel that it is the true church just because of the love of the members. 

La familia Padilla is still progressing wonderfully. They all want to be baptized and have very strong testimonies. Bishop met with them on Thursday and asked us to work a few more things out with them before their baptism. We gave the whole family Priesthood blessings the other day and the Spirit was so strong. After we gave Ramon (the 11 year old) a blessing he said that he had felt vibrations running down from his head throughout his whole body. A little bit afterwards he asked if we could give him a blessing every day so that he could feel that way again. Please pray that the whole family will feel ready and continue to repent.

So we had transfers on Wednesday, then Mission Leadership Council (MLC) on Friday and we have Zone Conferences starting tomorrow for the rest of the week. After that life calms down and we start exchanges three or four days a week with the zone leaders. In MLC on Friday, President Ashton taught about the Doctrine of Christ. He then talked about what the focus will be as a mission for the rest of the year. As he explained the process of receiving revelation for obtaining this focus, he talked about the Brother of Jared taking his stones to the Lord and asking Him to touch them. As he spoke about this, the Spirit came powerfully into my being. I learned that I need to go to the Lord with my problems and the solutions that I think will work and then ask Him to "touch them" and bless me with the reassurance that He will bless my efforts.

The Lord is blessing us. We are praying differently. We tell Heavenly Father that we are going to talk with every single person we can about the Gospel and ask Him to guide us to those who are prepared (the elect) or to guide them to us. It has been amazing as we have done so. A few day ago we talked with a lady outside her apartment and asked when we could come back to share our message. She set an appointment for yesterday night. We showed up to the appointment and her dad answered the door. Within the first minute he told us that he had talked with the other missionaries that lived in his complex and that he already had a church but that he had stopped going. We asked why he had stopped going and he invited us in. After explaining to us that he had been in leadership in one church and then switched to another and finally stopped going he said he just did feel God's love in church or unity in his family. He said that as a result of not going to church he had recently begun smoking and drinking again and that he knew he was setting a bad example for his family. He said he had been praying to find the truth and be able to change his ways and be happy. We looked him in the eyes and said, "We are representatives of Jesus Christ. God sent us here tonight in answer to your prayers. We will share a message with you that is true and that will bring peace and love into your home and life." At that point he stood up and said, "Let me get my wife, she will want to hear this". He went and told her that she needed to get off the phone (which is why she had previously declined joining us) and come listen to us. We were there briefly, felt the Spirit, and set a return appointment to which they promised to invite some of their friends that they think will be interested. I walked out in amazement. I echo the words of Mormon when he said, "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life" (3 Nephi 5:13). We are just two young men that are extremely inexperienced struggling to speak a foreign language and yet "[we] have been recommended as...worthy to represent the Lord as [ministers] of the restored gospel" (Missionary Call Letter). I know that this work is true and that the Lord is involved. Angels are preparing the hearts of the people to receive this glorious gospel. I am eternally grateful to be able to represent the Lord during this sacred time of my life and be an instrument in His hands in bringing salvation to His children.

I love you all and am so grateful for your prayers. Please keep praying. We need all the help we can get. God is kind and merciful and wants to bless us with miracles. I am a witness to those miracles. 


Elder Case

Monday, November 4, 2013

Binding up the Brokenhearted

Dear Family,

Attached are some photos of recent. There are two different towns in the mission that have "This Way" and "That Way" streets. They both intersect of course. It reminds me of "Who's on First". Also, as far as church billboards go, I was pretty impressed when I saw this one.

Thank you for your continued to prayers. They are being abundantly answered here in the mission and in my area. This has been one of the best weeks of my entire mission! Last Wednesday, we were on exchanges in my area. It was Elder Ayala, Elder Larson and I and we went and visited a man named Hermano Duran. I think I have mentioned him before, but a month ago he was completely less-active and had been for years. He grew up in the church and his mom is a temple worker right now in El Salvador. Anyways, he has been coming to church, reading the Book of Mormon every day and participating in all the YSA activities. We began talking to him for a few minutes and then he asked if we could say a prayer. He said a beautiful prayer and upon finishing looked at Elder Larson and said, "You're new. I want you to know that I have a testimony and I am going to share it with you right now". He then proceeded to bear one of the most powerful testimonies of the restored Gospel I have ever heard. He testified of the Book of Mormon, the Prophet Joseph, the Plan of Salvation, the Savior, and repentance. It brought tears to my eyes as I thought of this man and the miraculous change that has taken place in his heart and in his life. He then told us a story about a man at work looking at him and asking what had happened and telling him that he looked different and happier. When Hermano Duran said it was because he started going back to the Mormon church, his friend responded, "No, that can't be it. Mormons don't believe in God". Hermano Duran had a heyday with that and taught the whole Restoration and invited the man to come to church to feel the Spirit. It was a neat experience to listen to him testify of the Gospel and tell of missionary experiences. 

After that lesson, we went to teach Saul and Sophia with Hermano Portillo. It was an incredible lesson and the Spirit was so strong. They still don't want to pray about Joseph Smith but are reading from the Book of Mormon pretty regularly. We went back and taught them again Monday night and finally gave up on them praying about the truthfulness of the Gospel and just tried to help them to pray at all. Saul prayed at the end of the lesson and they committed to pray nightly as a family. I love them so much and just want them to have the blessings of the Gospel in their lives. They will come around, I just know it. Please keep praying for them. And pray that they will have a desire to pray about the Book of Mormon.

Thursday night we taught an active family about tithing. There husband just won't pay tithing and the wife has been asking us for a while to teach and commit him to pay his tithing. We had a wonderful lesson and he committed to pay. We fasted with him on Sunday and he payed his tithing. I was grateful that I could testify of the blessings that have come into my family as we have diligently paid tithing all these years. It was eye opening for the hermano when we read these words in Malachi 3:

Ye are a
cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation.

We then asked if he wanted him and his family to be cursed or if he wanted Heavenly Father to "open [him] the windows of heaven, and pour [him] out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it". The answer was obvious.

On Friday things just got better. We stopped by Johnny's house and talked with him about his baptism. He is so excited to be baptized on November 10th. He came to church again. It was the primary program. I asked him what he liked about it and he said it was heart-warming. The young men in the ward are really fellowshipping him and he loves the church. After church we followed up with him about his reading assignment. We had left him with 2 Nephi 31:17-21 with the question, "What do we have to do after we are baptized?" He pulled out this note card with the best answer possible on it. He did his next reading assignment yesterday while at school when he had some free time and just loved it. It is incredible to see how quickly he is becoming converted. As it says in Alma 13:24

 24 For behold, aangels are declaring it unto many at this time in our land; and this is for the purpose of preparing the hearts of the children of men to receive his word at the time of his coming in his glory.

How true that is. On Sunday night we stopped by la familia Padilla. It is a dad, two boys and one girl. We still aren't sure why there is no mom. They came to church on Sunday as well and loved it! We watched the Restoration video with them upon their request and after the video, Elder Ayala began to testify. He said, "I know that Joseph Smith saw Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that he was called to be a prophet and I know that the feeling that you feel right now is the Holy Ghost." The dad then spoke for a while and shared that he too believed that everything portrayed in the movie was true. Then the 15 year old girl, Eva, rose her hand like she had a question. She looked Elder Ayala square in the eye and asked, "Como sabia? Como sabia que lo senti?" (How did you know? How did you know that I felt it?). She was so perplexed that he had told her how she was feeling. She then described the feeling as not only touching her heart but she said it was as if her soul was opened and she was filled with light and warmth. He older brother then testified of the Holy Ghost and how he knew these things were true. We then asked the little boy. His response was really cute. He said, "the only things I felt was cold" (he was shivering). Anyways, la familia Padilla accepted to be baptized the 23rd of November. They committed themselves to come to church and were asking if they could come to a baptismal service first just to see how they were. The Eva and Tony (the two youth) came to mutual last night and just loved it! The youth all committed to begin only speaking Spanish so that they will feel more included (la familia Padilla just moved here from Mexico and only speak Spanish).

We are just being so blessed here and we are so incredibly happy! We walk out of every appointment with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and desire to pray and thank Heavenly Father for the blessings and the miracles that are being poured out upon us.

On Saturday morning, the three Houston missions and the San Antonio mission had a leadership training meeting. All the mission president's, their wives, and the assistants got together and Elder Callister and his two assistants (Elder Foster and Elder Teh) as well as Elder LeSeur trained us on the role of an assistant and the role of a zone leader. It was a neat experience to be with them and learn from the Lord's chosen servants. Elder Callister taught about the difference between rules (the Law of Moses) and principles (the Law of Christ). We learned a lot from them and they really wanted us assistants to know that our role is to support our mission president, and then to find, teach, and baptize. They said they wanted us to get rid of the things we do that take us away from finding, teaching, and baptizing.

One last story. On Saturday after being with the General Authorities, I met up with my companions and asked where we were going. They said they didn't know. I felt that we should visit Denise Garcia, a less-active we are working with to come back and to baptize her nine year-old son. She lives in a trailer park that is just not the most pleasant place. When I think of what serving in the Latin American countries is like, I imagine this place but probably even worse. We knocked on her door and she answered with bloodshot eyes and a tear-stained face. I asked if she was ok and she said yes. I then asked, "Are you sure?" and she said no. She said she had been up the entire night and had been crying for hours and hours. We found some chairs and sat down outside. We said that we didn't know what was going on but that God loved her and that He had sent us there to comfort her and help her feel of and know that love. After a prayer, she explained how her boyfriend (one of our investigators) had cheated on her again and how she didn't deserve to be treated that way and so on. After 15 minutes or so she finished telling us and was silent. We just sat there in silence and I had an internal battle. My thoughts were, "I don't know what to say...the scriptures say open your mouth and it shall be I really believe God will tell me what to say...He has done it before...I don't think I will say the right thing...just have faith...". Finally, I looked into her eyes and felt the pain of her soul and said, "Denise, I don't know what to say but God promised me that He would tell me." The words that came were not my own. They were of comfort and love, peace and assurance. They were words that quoted Isaiah when he said:

 The aSpirit of the Lord bGod is upon me; because the Lord hathcanointed me to dpreach egood tidings unto the fmeek; he hath sent me to gbind up the brokenhearted, to hproclaim iliberty to thejcaptives, and the opening of the kprison to them that are bound;
 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day ofavengeance of our God; to bcomfort all that cmourn;
 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto themabeauty for ashes, the oil of bjoy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; that they might be called ctreesof drighteousness, the eplanting of the Lord, that he might be glorified.
What a glorious Gospel this is! The Gospel of Jesus Christ truly does "bind up the brokenhearted" and offer the "oil of joy" instead of mourning. I am a witness to these things. I have seen the Atonement of the Savior Jesus Christ heal hearts that almost seemed too broken to heal, too shattered to bind up. I testify along side Elder Holland that "It is not sink lower than the infinite light of Christ’s Atonement shines" (The Laborers in the Vineyard). Jesus Christ is the Shepherd of our souls and the Healer of our hearts. I know He lives. I love Him. And because I love Him I will forever do my best to be His hands and to bring His love to these our brothers and sisters.
I love you all. Thank you for your examples to me. Please pray for Johnny and la family Padilla (Tony Sr., Tony Jr., Eva, and Ramon). Also, please pray for missionary experiences in your own lives. You will be richly blessed as you do so.
Elder Case